Thursday, December 29, 2005
went my grandpa hse again today.. thn after tt went to meet limei at westmall to pass her present.. thn we chat chat liao thn i went back to my grandpa hse.. hmmm.. i wanted to do my hw but i didnt.. ohh man.. shall do it tml.. i really have to do it tml man.. 6more days to sch reopen man.. wa.. sian.. i haven enjoyed myself totally and it will be sch reopen again.. alrght.. back to my games..
ps: limei, thanks for the present! its nice.. haa.. i dono whether u will be readin tis but jus wanna tell u thanks! =]

hmm.. went to sch tis morn for a briefin on the sec3 level camp which will be help nxt year.. its kinda bored man.. the thing starts at 8.30am and it ends lyk bout 4pm lorh.. i guess its insanity.. the briefin took so long larh.. and they are lyk keep talkin and talkin and its super bored larh.. hmmm.. thn after tt went to meet jiahui and mel cause jh wanna buy shoe.. so we went to buy her shoe and they acc mi go mac eat.. thn after tt went to jiahui hse to take newspapers? whahaha.. it sounds a little weird larh.. lyk wat for go her hse take newspaper.. but who cares.. sian.. i have to chiong my hw sia.. few more days left.. and i got loadss of chem TYS not done.. hai.. must faster chiong.. im gonna do my chem TYS and my jian bao tml sia.. if not im gonna be killed.. lol.. good nights peeps.. gonna slp soon yarh!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005
it has been a few days since i updated my blog.. its the 3rd day of christmas today! hmmm.. woke up early tis morn cause needa o to the hospital to see my grandpa and he was discharged today.. lol.. and here i am at my grandpa's hse bloggin away.. sch will reopen nxt week!!!!! so sian.. time passes real fast mann! and it will be the start of a busy year becos of N level.. hmmm.. gotta enjoy the last few days of the year man!!! wahahahahaah..
Belated merry christmas and boxin day!(i tink im a little late!)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
went to sch in the mornin to do the banner.. lol.. thn after tt went to town.. walked ard town thn went to westmall after tt.. hmmm.. went town walk walk thn we saw ben yeo and jeff wang.. they are so shuai sia.. lol.. sian!! tml have to go back to sch for the stupid leadership thingy.. thn got wat survey briefin.. wa sian man!!! tml have to go to the hospital.. don ask mi why.. lol.. tml is a day where ppl will eat tangyuan.. lol.. sian!!!! hmmm.. alrght shall stop here and go and bathe!

Monday, December 19, 2005
hmmm.. my parents will be back frm genting today! lol.. bout 2 more weeks and holidays would be over.. time passes really fast man.. and bout 4 more weeks would be chinese new year! ohh mann.. i gotta mug really hard nxt year man! slacked my whole morn away by sittin infront of the com.. lol.. today is the release of N level results.. hmmm.. so sian.. i also dono wat to blog.. its gettin real bored to blog mann cause it hols and i stayed at home to rot.. lol.. YEA! its christmas tis sun!!! cant wait for tt day to come sia.. cool! hols is goin to be over and i haven finish my hw!! sian and i don even feel lyk doin.. hai..

Saturday, December 17, 2005
YEA!!! Semakau island rawks man!!! haha.. its so fun.. woah! the swampy area is so cool larh.. i get to see many marine lifes lyk the sea-star, corals and many more.. hmmm.. its a great experience tho.. learnt quite a couple of stuffs.. we went to west coast there to take a speed boat over to semakau island.. Woah i almost fainted in the boat sia.. so shaky at first but when on the sea better cause not so rocky.. hmmm.. thn we went to listen to a talk be4 walkin to the swampy area.. ohh mann, the talk is super borin but tho i look as if im listenin im not.. and i don understand wat the guy is talkin bout.. we were splitted up into 3grps cause there were 3 guides to bring us ard.. i was in the same grp as serene and min hui and our grp name is *sea-stars*.. we reached back in sch at bout 8+ sia.. thn went to kfc to have our dinner be4 goin home.. hmmm.. alrght.. gtg!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
I HAD A BAD EXPERIENCE TODAY MAN!!! OHH MY!!! i dare not even do tt once more again in my whole life man.. hmmm.. i don wish to say too much bout tt.. i could only say tt my whole heart almost came off as i was super scared and i really felt super super guilty.. SORRY!!! went to guolian's hse with jiahui and sini today to do ppt for the cca orientation nxt year.. we didnt do many slides tho.. actually we were slackin half of our time there tho.. we kept eatin and jokin ard.. and sini and i kept on tryin to get faraway frm her dog.. hmmm.. we left at bout 6+pm.. thn jh and i walked all the way to the bus-stop tt has bus77 which will reach bb interchange.. but wth when the bus was approachin we got up but the stupid bus jus drove pass us.. sian diao man.. thn we decided to walk out to take bus106.. we walked all the way out sia.. hmmm.. ytd had farewell party at sentosa.. fun man.. lol.. we smashed the whippped cream on the senior's face.. and u knw wat.. i also had tt stinky cream on my face.. it stink lyk hell larh.. lyk the cream has spoilt.. cause under the sun too long.. hmm.. but i enjoyed myselk ytd.. lol..

Sunday, December 11, 2005
OH YEA!!! tml goin sentosa for farewell party.. WOHOO!! im so excited man.. i cant wait for tml.. there will be super loads of fun.. hmmm.. tml gonna wake up early.. thn sit taxi go lombang guolian liao thn go lombang esther.. cause need bring those food to sch.. thn gonna have a talk with tch thn gonna leave for sentosa.. lol.. thn tml after the farewell party goin to eat dinner with them.. lol.. hmmm.. well well well.. gonna spend the whole day out tml man.. tml is gonna be the time for mi to go siao again.. lol.. quite sometime nv go siao liao.. lol.. goin play and joke ard man.. lol.. YEA!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2005
HAI.. why lyk that??? hmmm.. anyways.. the dove patrol PL is nicolle.. wat can i say.. the one in my mind whom i hope to be promoted wasnt promoted tho.. lol.. but wat can i do? i have to resign to fate.. and i have to work with her.. lets hope our relationship will get betta and we can have teamwork.. lol.. hmmm.. after guides meetin today, mi, huimin, sini and mel went to buy presents.. lol.. we went to lot1.. hmmm.. i bought 3 presents liao.. i goin to buy another one tml for serene as a farewell gift.. lol.. hmmm..

Thursday, December 08, 2005
hmmm.. i was nearly scared to death ytd.. haha.. i went to watched exorcism of the emily rose.. tho it was not really tt scary but its creepy and freaky.. i was freaked out man.. hee.. after the movie onwards i don dare to slp at 3am anymore.. went back to sch today.. which i don have to go back in the first place.. but have to giv them somethin so hav to go back.. hmmm.. and we played with flour.. lol.. helped the souvenir committee with some of their work.. i look at some of their works i really wan to laugh lyk siao larh.. their work all lyk shit larh.. thn i and jiahui started editin their works.. we edit until it looks great larh.. lol.. hmmm.. tml meetin my committee members to buy the food for the farewell party.. thn after tt have to go back to sch to tie flag pole and clean the guide room.. lol.. hmmm.. im feelin hungry man.. =]

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
YEA!!! im goin out later.. wahaha.. goin to watch either exorcism of the emily rose or saw2.. thn goin to town after tt.. goin northpoint to watch the movie.. my sore throat is healed.. haha.. shuang man.. sian.. fri have to go back to sch to tie flag pole.. cause sat got roll call and handover ceramony.. haha.. im excited to knw who is gonna be dove patrol leader man.. haha.. lets hope its ***.. haha.. thn after tyin pole goin to buy food for the farewell party.. haha.. im lookin forward to the farewell party man... there will be goin to be loaddss of fun.. wahahaha.. alrght.. gonna bathe now.. later goin out.. haha..

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
i dono wat happened to the blogs tis morn.. couldnt get into any of the blogs but after tt can liao.. should be some maintanence thingy ba.. haha.. hmmm.. i chiong the last part of FULL HOUSE jus now man.. WOAH!!! the last part is darn nice larh.. and the endin also very good sia.. haha.. hmmm.. nice show.. so peeps out there if u all haven watch the show its worth watchin.. lol.. i did my chi compo last nght.. i also dono wat to write so i anyhow write.. haha.. i also dono wat im writin actually.. haha.. hmmm.. so sian.. nth to do at home.. i still got 2 jian bao to do.. haha.. but i lazy go find newspaper.. haha.. hmmm.. alrght.. gotta go.. gonna eat century egg porridge.. yummmy!!! haha..

Monday, December 05, 2005
woke up early in the morn.. hmmm.. dono for wat also.. thn watched FULL HOUSE again.. im finishin soon.. so nice sia.. haha.. in the show they always say "AZA-AZA FIGHTING" man.. haha.. it means jiayou in other words.. haha.. nice phrase man.. hmmm.. slacked half my day man.. or rather i spent my whole day watchin FULL HOUSE.. haha.. went to buy my bro books jus now.. he bought new uniform.. siao larh.. i also can wear sia.. nth to do.. YEA!! goin out with serene and qimei on wed.. lol.. cant wait to go out with them sia.. very long nv hang ard with them liao.. and now tt one of them have left the sch it will be even more rare tt we will hang ard together.. haha.. sini go obs liao.. lol.. =]

Sunday, December 04, 2005
Was feeling sick when i woke up tis morn.. my throat was kinda pain.. thn it was kind of swollen also.. went to consult a doctor and the doc say tt i got throat infection.. oh man.. i hate sore throat man.. thn went home after tt.. hmm.. the doc gave mi some lozenges and a med for swollen.. lol.. hmmm.. hope it will heal soon.. haha.. i watched "FULL HOUSE" again jus now.. haha.. nice show indeed.. now i knw why sini they all are chasin after the show.. haha.. hmmm.. later at nght got star awards.. haha.. gonna watch it.. lol.. hmm.. havent really started on my hw yet.. tho i did a little liao.. i gonna complete my chinese one of tis days.. haha.. but still got POA sia.. sian-zation.. i hate to do POA.. have to draw tis draw tt.. hai.. thn also got DNT.. even worse.. have to draw diagrams and stuffs.. haha.. =] *imissyou*

Saturday, December 03, 2005
YEA!!! finally i changed my blogskin.. wahaha.. wanted to change it for sometime liao.. and all thanks to my dear grand-daughter jiahui who helped mi to change it.. hee.. thanks loadss.. love ya.. haha.. hmmm.. i watched full house dvd till 12+ last nght.. nice show man.. Rain so shuai and cutee.. lol.. goanna chiong the show again tonght.. haha.. hmmm.. i cant wait for the handover ceramony nxt sat man.. im anxious to knw who got promoted.. tho i have someone in mind who i wish to be promoted.. haha.. jiahui came to my hse today.. we were sewin the ranks.. woah.. jh sewin skills are *good* man.. haha.. she's gonna kill mi.. oh man.. haha.. but still ok larh.. we manage to finish sewin all those we had.. haha.. hmmm.. alrght.. gotta for now.. gonna have my dinner.. lol..*peace out*

Thursday, December 01, 2005
its 1dec liao.. time passes really fast.. and very soon it will be time for sch again.. hmmm.. i have been slackin away today eh.. nth to do man.. so bored.. i cleared all my books today cause i went to buy my books for sec4 ytd.. threw away all the sec1 and 2 worksheets.. theres a whole pile of it lorh.. put at home onli let it grow dust.. so decided to throw all of them away.. i onli kept my sec3 notes.. haha.. my table is now so clean man.. it was in total mess be4 i cleared them.. hmmm.. so fast sia.. nxt year i will be in sec4 liao.. hai.. there will be more workload.. and also more STRESS.. cause of N level.. lol.. but nvm i tink i will be able to handle tt stress.. whahaha.. YEA!!! chicken little de movie is out today.. i wanna watch man.. so darn cute.. oh man.. chicken little is so cute.. wahaha.. i will find time to watch it man.. lol..

"Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself. The world may not be what you want it to be, but you can tune your heart to find happiness within in."

CTSS 5B2'07
SP DEEE 1B26/1A26'08
SP DEEE (Aerospace Option) 2B28'09

_*CTS'1st COY

-> CRUMPLER BAG(backpack)
-> ADIDAS WATCH (black and gold)/(red and gold)
-> ADIDAS WATCH[peachtree]
-> PSP


Adeline| Beumon| Baoyue| Derek| Derrick| Donric| Esther| Genee| Guolian| Henry| Huimin| Huixian| Jarrett| Jasmine| Jerald| Jiahui| Jingyi| Junrong| Kaiwen| Kang Liang| Kathy| Keiko| Kenneth| Kexian| Kim Seng| Krist| Limei| Linges| Lynn| Melissa| Mrs Tey| Nicolle| Pavarne| Pavarne(bs)| QiMei| QiYi| Rara| Regine| Ryan| Sab| Sam| Sean| Shirleen| Shuyi| Siew Fang| Sihui| Sipei| SPB| Stanley| super-BLOG| Szerui| Tiac pin| Tosh| Xiuying| Yeewai| Yinyuan| Yilin| YuenLu| Yvonne| Zenia| Zoe

Time machine.
February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 June 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010

designer: YY! (: